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Foreign Languages

  Croatian Language and Culture -  Conversational, Intermediate

  Croatian Language and Culture -  Conversational, Intermediate

Croatian Dance
There are many people in Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, and Monterey Bay area whoseancestors came from Croatia. This class will teach intermediate conversational Croatian vocabulary, grammar, greetings, and everyday expressions. It will introduce students to the country of Croatia, its culture (food, music, customs, etc.), as well as the Croatian influence in the Pajaro Valley for over 140 years.
Session 2 is a continuation of Session 1.

Green Valley Center (GVC), Room 3, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville
Wed                                                        6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.                                          J. Basor/I. Basor
Section 7084                                        Session 1: Aug 16 - Oct 18                                   $125
Section 7085                                        Session 2: Oct 25 - Dec 20                                   $125


These classes are designed for beginners and intermediate to advanced students alike. Classes provide an opportunity for students to practice conversation in a fun and
supportive environment. *Books are not included.
Watsonville Downtown Center (WDC), Room 4, 320 Rodriguez Street, Watsonville

Mon/Wed,Beginning                                   1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.                                      Torres
Section 7070                                          Session 1: Jan 13 - Mar 19                                    $120
Section 7071                                          Session 2: Mar 24 - Jun 4                                      $120

Tue/Thu Intermediate/Advanced                 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.                                     Torres
Section 7072                                          Session 1: Jan 14 - Mar 20                                     $150
Section 7073                                          Session 2: Mar 24 - Jun 4                                       $150
Santa Cruz (SCC), Room 3, 319 La Fonda Avenue, Santa Cruz

Mon/Wed, Beginning                                    6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.                                    Schneiter
Section 7074                                           Session 1: Jan 13 - Mar 19                                   $120
Section 7075                                           Session 2: Mar 24 - Jun 4                                     $120
Tue/Thu Intermediate/Advanced                  6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.                                    Schneiter
Section 7076                                            Session 1: Jan 14 - Mar 20                                  $150
Section 7077                                            Session 2: Mar 25 - Jun 5                                    $150