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Adult Basic and Secondary Education

Achieve Your Goal!

Achieve Your Goal!

Programs: Watsonville/Aptos/Santa Cruz Adult Education offers instructional programs in English and Spanish to assist students in completing their secondary education. The programs are:
• High School Diploma (English only) fully accredited program for students wishing to complete a high school diploma. Graduates must be within 30 credits of finishing. Classes offered include: Applied Art, English, Health, Social Studies, Math, Science. Fine art other than english, and electives.
• High School Equivalency (HSE) (English or Spanish) Preparation program for students studying for the GED and the HiSET equivalency test.
• Transitions...Pathways to Employment or College (English ONLY) offered to students near completion of their GED/HiSET or HSD who are ready to transition to college or a specific career technical skill based program. By appointment with a counselor.
• Credit Recovery (English only), a program designed for high school students (see below for further details) (Green Valley Center ONLY )
• WorkKeys Curriculum (English only), a program designed to teach students what they need to know to pass the WorkKeys exam. The WorkKeys exam is offered at the Green Valley Center,
An individualized course of study based on assessment, schedule, and goals will be designed for each student enabling students to earn their high school diploma or pass the High School Equivalency exams while improving their skills for college or career training. Courses are offered in teacher-directed classrooms with a blend of online, direct and individualized instruction. Online distance learning is available in combination with classroom instruction.
Program  Requirements : All students (except credit recovery) must meet the following criteria to enroll in classes and maintain ongoing enrollment:
• Attend an orientation, complete assessments and attend one to one counseling appointment before beginning class.
• Maintain attendance:
-  Morning classes 12 hours per week minimum attendance with demonstrated progress
-  Evening classes 6 hours per week minimum attendance with demonstrated progress
• Sign and adhere to our School Code of Conduct and Internet Use Policies
Spanish GED/GED en Español

Spanish GED/GED en Español

Registration               Clases de Preparación para los Exámenes de GED en Español.
Prepárese para tomar los cuatro exámenes de GED: Matemáticas, Artes del Lenguaje, Estudios Sociales, y Ciencias.
Watsonville Downtown Center (WDC), Room 4, 320 Rodriguez Street, Watsonville.
Lun, Mar, Mie                                            6:00PM - 8:30PM                                                                   Pozo
Section 99701                                            Jan 13- Jun 4
Santa Cruz Center (SCC), Room 3, 319 La Fonda Avenue, Santa Cruz
Lun, Mar, Mie                                           4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.                                                              Powers
Section 99703                                            Jan 13 - Jun 4

*Donations Appreciated/Se Aprecian Donaciones*
Watsonville/Aptos/Santa Cruz Adult Education is an equal opportunity provider and accomodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. Please see the front office or call (831) 786-2160.
Do You Need A High School Diploma or a High School
Equivalency Certificate GED/HiSET?

Do You Need A High School Diploma or a High School
Equivalency Certificate GED/HiSET?

NEW STUDENTS - Sign Up For Orientation

New students register online or in person and then meet with a counselor. Please bring a copy of your last high school transcripts.
If you attended WASCAE in the last two (2) semesters, you do not need to attend orientation. Call
to register or in-person directly at the Green Valley Center and begin attending class.
Location : Green Valley Center (GVC), Room 5, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville
Mornings Schedule:                                     9AM-12PM       Mon-Fri                                                      Fine
                                                                              Jan 13- Jun 6
♦Evenings Schedule:                                      4PM-8PM       Mon-Thu                                                     Fine
                                                                              Jan 13 -Jun5
Location : Santa Cruz Center (SCC), Room 2, 319 La Fonda Avenue, Santa Cruz
Mornings Schedule:                                     9AM-12PM      Mon-Fri                                                      Shirey
                                                                               Jan 13-Jun 6
♦Evenings Schedule:                                     4PM-8PM       Mon-Thu                                                      Shirey
                                                                               Jan 13-Jun 5
Students currently enrolled in a high school, seeking to make up credits, may enroll in adult school on a space available basis. The courses are offered in an individualized electronic format facilitated by a credentialed teacher. The following items are required for registration.
•Meet with your high school counselor and your parent or guardian
•Complete a Student Release form and obtain all required signatures with a transcript
•Register in the office at 294 Green Valley Road.

*Donations Appreciated/Se Aprecian Donaciones*
Jobs 101

Jobs 101

Students now registered at Watsonville/Aptos/Santa Cruz Adult Education in combination with your present academic goals (high school diploma, GED or HiSET) are invited to attend our 21st Century Careers learning lab. Get the help, guidance and career coaching you’ve been waiting for.
Green Valley Center (GVC), Room 5, 294 Green Valley Road, Watsonville
Thu                                                          1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.                                                        Staff
Section 409                                                 Jan 16-Jun 5                                             FREE for current students

Topics Include

• Career planning activities • Understanding the people at work
• Job search • Who’s hiring now
• Resume • Get ready for that interview
• Letter of Introduction • How to ask for more money
• Mastering soft skills for workplace success • Am I a good employee? 
• Build your resume vocabulary • Interest Inventory 
• Changing jobs • Goal setting/time management
• Keeping Jobs • Internships
• Clear decision making techniques • Transferable skills 
• I want to be the boss • Career assessments
*Donations Appreciated/Se Aprecian Donaciones*


Students can enhance their math skills for college-level preparation or prepare for the GED®, or HiSET® tests. The course lessons cover topics such as number sense, algebra, geometry, exponents and radicals, and probability. Students gain foundational skills with practice problems in a supportive setting.
Watsonville Cabrillo Campus, 318 Union St, Room A330 (3rd Floor), Watsonville, CA 95076
T/Thu                                                         4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.                                                           Edinger
Section 9004    Jan 14 - Jun 5
Aptos Cabrillo Campus,  6500 Soquel Dr, Room 714 (Math Bldg), Aptos CA 95003
Mon                                                            4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.                                                           Edinger
Section 9005    Jan 13 - Jun 2
Mayra Espinoza
Please call our office  at 831-786-2160
Transition Specialist
Please call our office  at 831-786-2160
to make an appointment.
Green Valley Center
294 Green Valley Road
Watsonville, CA 95076
(831) 786-2160

Monday - Friday:
8:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon
Monday - Thursday:
4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Santa Cruz Center 
319 La Fonda Avenue 
Santa Cruz, CA 95062 
(831) 429-3966 

Monday - Friday:
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 
Monday - Thursday:
4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.